Senin, 02 November 2009
hey, since i am now here .. and i mostly have nothing to do ... and since i love this blog ... i'd like to post some stories and cute pictures ... hope you don't mind, the junglers ... hehe . ;P
so ... this is a fanfic story about dbsk .. i don't know why but i like it .. here's the 1st chapter .. the title of this fanfic is "no, we can't fall in love" and the main characters here are DBSK (especially HERO JAEJOONG) and you (the READER)
Chapter 1
Prince Charming----------
You came into your college class and sat at one of the desks. Soon, your friends surrounded, “Hey ~~~~~~~-ah!”
You glanced at them and smiled, “Hey.”
“How was your weekend?” Joo-Na, your best friend asked. “Pretty good. You?”
“I would have had one if Professor Lim hadn’t insisted we write a paper on the psychological paths of children.” She rolled her eyes.
You chuckled and shook your head as you flipped through your math book.
“Hey girls!” another friend, Mina, beamed.
“Hi, Mina.” You all waved.
“OH MY GOD. Did you guys see AADBSK3?!” Mina, a fanatic of the kpop idol group DBSK, asked.
“I did!”
“Me, too!”
“Same here!” your friends cheered.
They stared at you waiting for an answer.
You looked up, blinked, and said, “Uh… it was good. I saw it in the theater.”
“…It’s not a movie.” Mina said with a DUH look.
“Oh… uh…” your eyes darted around the room for an answer. Mina sighed, “It’s DBSK’s new DVD.”
“Ohhh.” You nodded.
Your friends sighed and rolled their eyes. They totally loved you but you were so oblivious when it came to the hottest boy bands! Sure, you knew who they were but you didn’t spend hours in front of youtube watching them. And you only listened to their songs when Mina made you. “Sorry, guys.” You meekly smiled and curled your long, straight hair behind your ear. Your small, gold earring glittered in the light.
“Let me help you, oh deprived one.” Mina scooted over and perched on the desk next to you.
“I’m not deprived.” You argued.
“When it comes to cute guys like DBSK she is.” Joo-na snickered.
“Shut it.” You lightly slapped her.
“I knew you would be like this so I brought AADBSK3 photo book! It has all their pictures inside!” Mina gleefully showed you. “Aren’t they hot?! I love Changmin!”
“Which one was that again?” you whispered to Joo-na. Smiling, she rolled her eyes and pointed to a tall, modelish good-looking guy.
“Oh. Right. Yeah.” You nodded.
“I like U-know Yunho. He’s sooo manly!” Joo-na pointed to another tall, handsome figure and sighed dreamily.
You laughed.
“You should pick one, too!” Mina urged.
“Er… well, they’re all good-looking.” You shrugged. “PICK!” Mina shouted.
“Okay! This one!” you quickly tapped to a short-haired, tall, extremely- pretty- boyish- but- in- a- hot- way boy with nice muscles and a lean, hard body.
“Hero Jaejoong! Good choice!” Mina winked at you.
“He seems perfect for you, too. You two would make a fab couple!” Joo-Na grinned.
You giggled.
“Why did you pick him anyways?” Mina questioned.
You shrugged, “I think I have a thing for pretty boys that are manly. I don’t if he is or not… but he has that manly kind of aura around him.”
“Ahh.” Mina eagerly nodded.
“Let’s just say Hero Jaejoong popped through those doors and asked you to be his girlfriend. Would you say yes?” Joo-Na interrogated.
“I’d have to know his personality and true self first.” You laughed.
“But if it was nice and you liked it?” Joo-Na raised an eyebrow.
You thought about it then nodded with a pondering smile, “Sure. Why not?”
“We should go hunt him down then. It’s been a while since you’ve dated.” Joo-Na grinned.
“Yeah! Let’s go meet him! And my Changmin!” Mina exclaimed. You chuckled and shook your head, “That’ll never happen.” “Don’t be so fast to predict, my pretty. Who knows? Your prince charming might come and knock you off your feet!” Joo-Na gave you a wink.
“Yeah, well I should wear my helmet in case I fall.” You snickered.
Your friends also laughed.
You looked at the boy’s sharp yet soft expression and smiled to yourself *It would be nice to have a lover like that.*
so how was it??
and here is the pic that i want to share with you ..

it's max ... the one i love the most in DBSK ... he's so adorable .. lol

and here is SNSD, they're DBSK juniors .. and they're so beautiful!! i'm so JEALOUS!! LOL
Label: bella fairuz ~ bee